Wednesday, January 13, 2010

i-jump. you jump. we all jump.

Yesterday Alison and I took the boys to i-jump. Sooo much fun for something to do in the winter, especially with this crazy cold weather in the Deep South. Here are a few pics from yesterdays playdate.

Happy to be with his BFF at i-jump

Hey boy hey!

Helllllo anyone in there?!?!

Elias looking for a snack.

I love them :)

cute boys

this seems to be a signature shot for the two of them :)

w and e

all hands are in the ayree if you a true playa...ha.

1 comment:

Alison said...

love it, I think I'll link it to my blog so I don't have to do a similar one (can you tell I'm getting lazy with my blogs?).


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