Xander got distracted by another dog who was also being taken out by its owner, and bolted off and broke his collar. Stupid dog. It was his expensive Dallas Cowboys collar, (not that they are doing any good. blah) and I was none too happy. So here I am 9 months prego almost TO THE DAY, waddling/running/brisk walking, whatever you wanna call it, to catch up with him, in my SOCK feet, because I wasnt thinking and didnt have time to put shoes on. I'm already pissed about the collar, and then I proceed to step in dog poop, so now IM REALLY PISSED. I finally catch up to him, grab him by the skin his neck (remember, broken COWBOYS collar) and drag him back to our patio. I am beyond furious at this point. I get him back inside, find the broken collar, and take off the dog poop covered socks. As I am bending down taking off the socks, it feels as if I peed a little on myself. Are you freaking kidding me???? 9 months and NOW Im getting an uncontrollable bladder? As I straighten back up, the trickle turns to the freaking NIAGRA FALLS. OH MY GOD. My mind started racing, was that what I think it was? Did my water just break? Holy cow. I quickly get in the house and go back to our master bath. Brendon is already sound asleep snoring, when I yell from the bathroom, "ummm, baby, I think my water just broke!" Huh? What? If those few words dont wake you up then I dont know what will. HaHa. At this point I'm still in denial but somehow manage to find the number to the on call OBGYN. She calls back and recommends I come in to Labor and Delivery to get checked out. Now Im really starting to panic/freak out. IM NOT READY. He wasnt suppose to be coming until Monday. I hadnt showered or finished packing my bag or finished cleaning or finished up wrapping xmas gifts. He cant be coming now. So Im running around packing things up praying that I dont forget anything. (Brendon assuring me that if I did we are only 5 mins away, he can come back) I take a shower. Yes. A shower. I couldnt be all smelly when I meet my son. :) We arrived at the hospital less than an hour after the falls. The ER was a disaster but I wont get into that. The L/D was AMAZING. I started out with Nurse Ashlee. I loved her. She had me change into those gowns that you really dont know which way they go. I even called B into the bathroom to see if he could help me. HaHa. But I assumed the pocket went on the front. The pocket that had a hole in for your boob to pop out so you could feed your baby. Ha. Then I was hooked up to all these different contraptions that monitered my heartrate, Baby E's heartrate and numerous other things. Then came the IV....for the love of God, that was the worst pain through most of it. I loved my nurse but she was NOT at all good at putting in an IV. I can tolerate a lot of pain. (In fact B says that my sister and I have an unhumanly pain tollerance) But I had tears in my eyes when she was trying to put the IV in. First she tried the left hand....she went straight through the vein so she couldnt get it. So we tried my right hand and after three or four tries it was in. Thank goodness. My left hand bruised almost immediately. Then she checked to see of dialation. No Change from Wednesday at my appt. BOOOOO. But to within 2 hours I was progressing FAST with no help. I was never really in any pain per say, it was just really uncomfo
After spending 3 nights in the hospital we finally made it home. We are sleep deprived but sooooo in love.
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