Saturday, April 3, 2010

big head

Elias had an appt with the neurosurgeon this past week and it could not have gone better. We were super worried about him being sedated for a CT scan but he was soooo good that he didn't need to be sedated. They swaddled him up and had Dora playing above him so he was good to go. When we first laid him down on the table his eyes got really big and he looked so scared and it about broke my heart. But he was such a good boy and we are happy to report that his scans have not changed since last summer. He still has extra fluid in between his skull and his brain but it is draining on his own and not causing any problems. Dr. R also cleared Elias, meaning we do not have to come back EVER unless we have concerns. This is such great news, since we have been dealing with this since he was about 3 months. Elias will just be the kid in his Kindergarden glass with the biggest head. We like to think its a big brain since he is so smart. :)

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