Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sweet Home Alabama

Sweet Home Alabama is one of my all time favorite movies. Reese Witherspoon and Josh Lucas are just sooo adorable together and it is definitely a feel good movie. When B started with Red Robin he had goals. His first goal being a GM in two years of becoming manager. Two years was actually on March 1. He was offered a GM position in Charlotesville right after I found out I was pregnant but after discussion we decided he should turn it down because I felt like my job was going places and we wanted to be around family when Elias was born. A couple of weeks ago we were talking about his goals again and I told him that if they offered him a GM position he should accept matter where it was. Boy am I biting my tongue now. THE VERY NEXT DAY his reginonal director asked him if he was still interested in a GM position. To make a long story short...we are moving to Birmingham, Alabama. B left today, and Elias and I will join him in a few weeks. I have very mixed emotions with this move. I love my husband and I want him to suceed at his job. This has been his goal since day one of management and he most definitely deserves it. He is the most hardest working and the most dedicated person that I know. BUT I love the life that we have built here in Richmond. I am really close with is family and I love that they get to see Elias grow up. We have also made some AMAZING friends here. A few that have kids very close in age with Elias and I want them to grow up together. I also want to be here for Chantel since Sean is leaving for deployment soon. Ulitimately I stand behind B. I love him and our goal is for him to go to the Alabama restaurant, clean it up then hopefully move back to the RIC area. Sweet Home Alabama to me has turned into Sweet Home Richmond. :)

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